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Поиск by тэг #troops - pg. 1 of 1 (10 изображения)

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 Full [Pics] Crowded ship bringing American troops back to New York harbor after V-E Day, 5-8-1945Pict. 1280×1596 px

13451 пункт 0 им нравится 4 сохранённые

Tags: american, bringing, crowded, day, harbor, new, ship, troops, york (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Full [Mapporn] Divisional Camps of the Desert Training Center in California and Arizona where US combat troops prepared for the NorthPict. 1140×1429 px

9234 пункт 0 им нравится 5 сохранённые

Tags: arizona, california, center, combat, desert, north, prepared, training, troops (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full German and Soviet troops shaking hands following the invasion of PolandPict. 680×470 px

9185 пункт 0 им нравится 6 сохранённые

Tags: german, hands, invasion, poland, polish, shaking, soviet, troops (Pict. in Rehost)
 Full Annual midnight swearing-in of SS troops at Feldherrnhalle, Munich, 1938.Pict. 1200×819 px

9172 пункт 0 им нравится 19 сохранённые

Tags: annual, feldherrnhalle, midnight, munich, troops (Pict. in Restored Photos of Nazi Germany)
 Full [Dataisbeautiful] Chart redraw: Troops Vs. Cost from 1980-2012 (Time Magazine) [ Or, a clean dataset with two 'beautiful' interpPict. 969×1053 px

8681 пункт 0 им нравится 9 сохранённые

Tags: beautiful, chart, clean, cost, dataset, interp, magazine, redraw, time, troops, two (Pict. in My r/DATAISBEAUTIFUL favs)
 Full Adolf Hitler salutes troops of the Condor Legion who fought alongside Spanish Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War, during a raPict. 1400×945 px

8661 пункт 0 им нравится 21 сохранённые

Tags: adolf, civil, condor, fought, hitler, legion, spanish, troops, war (Pict. in Restored Photos of Nazi Germany)
 Full [Mapporn] Breakaway state of Transnistria, between Moldova and Ukraine, home to 2,000 Russian troops [1401x1198]Pict. 1401×1198 px

7930 пункт 0 им нравится 2 сохранённые

Tags: breakaway, moldova, russian, state, transnistria, troops, ukraine (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Dataisbeautiful] Under what circumstances do Americans support using ground troops overseas? [OC]Pict. 1108×663 px

6738 пункт 0 им нравится 7 сохранённые

Tags: americans, circumstances, ground, overseas, support, troops (Pict. in My r/DATAISBEAUTIFUL favs)
 Full [Mapporn] Countries with troops in Afghanistan [4500x2234]Pict. 4500×2234 px

6293 пункт 0 им нравится 5 сохранённые

Tags: 4500x2234, afghanistan, countries, troops (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Mapporn] Foreign troops that served Britain during WW1. [1012x806]Pict. 1012×806 px

6275 пункт 0 им нравится 6 сохранённые

Tags: britain, foreign, served, troops, ww1 (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)