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 Full Rome. Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (Basilica Nova) - north side, with maps of the Roman Empire (1919-1938).3208Pict. 799×748 px

14476 пункт 0 им нравится 5 сохранённые

Tags: basilica, constantine, empire, maps, maxentius, north, nova, roman, rome (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo). Alexander Palace - interior, dining room (by architect Roman Mel'tser, 1902) (1931).3939Pict. 799×745 px

14351 пункт 0 им нравится 3 сохранённые

Tags: alexander, architect, dining, interior, mel, palace, pushkin, roman, room, selo, tsarskoe, tser (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full [Pics] A massive, well-preserved; 1,700 year-old Roman mosaic was recently unearthed while performing city sewer construction.Pict. 721×1860 px

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Tags: art, city, construction, massive, mosaic, old, performing, preserved, roman, sewer, year (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Full Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Palazzo degli Uffizi) - The Wrestlers, Roman replica in marble of a 3rd-century B.C. Greek bronPict. 799×748 px

14002 пункт 0 им нравится 7 сохранённые

Tags: 3rd, bron, century, degli, florence, galleria, greek, marble, palazzo, replica, roman, uffizi, wrestlers (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full [Pics] A sealed Roman container opened to reveal a 2,000-year-old cream – complete with fingerprints, at a Roman temple complex Pict. 199×149 px

13645 пункт 0 им нравится 6 сохранённые

Tags: complete, complex, container, cream, fingerprints, old, opened, reveal, roman, sealed, temple, year (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Full Rome. Musei Capitolini - Hall of the Faun (Imperial Roman copy of a Hellenistic original) (1919-1938).3266Pict. 799×747 px

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Tags: capitolini, faun, hall, hellenistic, imperial, musei, original, roman, rome (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full Limerick - street scene, with towers of St. Mary's (Roman Catholic), and St. Mary's Cathedral (Church of Ireland) (1932-1935).42Pict. 799×742 px

13351 пункт 0 им нравится 2 сохранённые

Tags: cathedral, catholic, church, ireland, limerick, mary, roman, scene, street, towers (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full Modena. Cathedral of San Gimignano - exterior detail, Roman lion (1935).2963Pict. 799×748 px

12895 пункт 0 им нравится 3 сохранённые

Tags: cathedral, detail, exterior, gimignano, lion, modena, roman, san (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full [Pics] 2 000-year-old ancient roman face cream with visible, ancient fingermarksPict. 704×500 px

12758 пункт 0 им нравится 5 сохранённые

Tags: ancient, cream, face, fingermarks, old, roman, visible, year (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Full Fiesole - excavated Roman theater at Fiesole (1919-1938).2624Pict. 799×748 px

11763 пункт 0 им нравится 7 сохранённые

Tags: excavated, fiesole, roman, theater (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full Syracuse. Roman Amphitheater - entrance arch (1925-1938).3518Pict. 799×748 px

11748 пункт 0 им нравится 2 сохранённые

Tags: amphitheater, arch, entrance, roman, syracuse (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full [Mapporn] Holy Roman Empire c. 1547, highlighting the Protestation at Speyer and key locations of Protestant Reformation [2307×1Pict. 2307×1826 px

11401 пункт 0 им нравится 4 сохранённые

Tags: empire, highlighting, holy, key, locations, protestant, protestation, reformation, roman, speyer (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Pics] Ancient roman ivory doll found in 8-years-old child grave. Rome, 1800 years old.Pict. 2592×3888 px

11286 пункт 0 им нравится 9 сохранённые

Tags: ancient, child, doll, grave, old, roman, rome, years (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Full Rome. Musei Capitolini - portrait busts of a Roman and his wife (1919-1938).3265Pict. 799×748 px

11024 пункт 0 им нравится 6 сохранённые

Tags: busts, capitolini, musei, portrait, roman, rome, wife (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full [Dataisbeautiful] [OC] Comparison of causes of death of Roman Emperors, Russian Tsars, English Monarchs and United States PresidPict. 2342×1176 px

10832 пункт 0 им нравится 7 сохранённые

Tags: comparison, death, emperors, english, monarchs, presid, roman, russian, states, tsars, united (Pict. in My r/DATAISBEAUTIFUL favs)
 Full Syracuse. Roman Amphitheater - general view from above (1925-1938).3517Pict. 799×748 px

10807 пункт 0 им нравится 5 сохранённые

Tags: amphitheater, general, roman, syracuse (Pict. in Branson DeCou Stock Images)
 Full [Mapporn] Map of the roman era Colonia Iulia Aemona over a map of modern day Ljubljana (western part) [1498x1714]Pict. 1498×1714 px

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Tags: aemona, colonia, day, era, iulia, ljubljana, map, modern, part, roman, western (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Pics] First-time treasure hunter find 10,000 Roman coinsPict. 475×646 px

10756 пункт 0 им нравится 2 сохранённые

Tags: coins, find, hunter, roman, time, treasure (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Full [Mapporn] I see your Roman Empire and raise you the largest contiguous empire the world has ever seen; wait for it, the Mongols!Pict. 1226×830 px

10597 пункт 0 им нравится 3 сохранённые

Tags: contiguous, empire, largest, mongols, raise, roman, wait, world (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Pics] Roman aqueduct in SpainPict. 1746×1324 px

10086 пункт 0 им нравится 2 сохранённые

Tags: aqueduct, roman, spain (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Full [Mapporn] Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Includes Breakaway and Successor States) [845x760]GIF 845×760 px

9491 пункт 0 им нравится 5 сохранённые

Tags: 845x760, breakaway, empire, fall, includes, rise, roman, states, successor (GIF in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Mapporn] The Western Roman Imperial Province of Soissons, before it was conquered by invading Frankish tribes from the east, 48Pict. 800×747 px

9452 пункт 0 им нравится 4 сохранённые

Tags: conquered, east, frankish, imperial, invading, province, roman, soissons, tribes, western (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Mapporn] All areas that were under Greek or Roman control at any time in Antiquity [Source in Comments] [980x551]Pict. 980×551 px

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Tags: 980x551, antiquity, areas, control, greek, roman, source, time (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Full [Mapporn] Perspective: The Roman Empire at its greatest height [interactive tool in comments] [1023x527]Pict. 1023×527 px

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Tags: empire, greatest, height, interactive, perspective, roman, tool (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)